Two of the children's and youth choirs sang on Sunday morning. This is Pierson's 1st and 2nd grade choir. They did a great job singing!
This is the Senior High choir from the church. Even after 4 years, I am still so excited to be at our church. They have so many opportunites for the kids to serve God and learn about Him. It is a great place to raise our kids.
Sydney and Pierson got to try on the jacket, helmet and a gun they use in Iraq.
After the field trip the kids got to make Christmas Cards that they will deliver to the Veteran's. It was a great way to get the kids understanding why they get Wednesday off of school.
Last weekend we went to Boy Scout family camp and had a great time. The leaves were beautiful and changing colors, but boy was it cold!
Pierson's first time shooting a BB Gun in a firing range - he did a great job. Sydney even had a turn at the guns.
Pierson and Sydney also had a chance to try their hand at archery. It was fun to see them trying brand new things.
The whole family had fun riding these cars around the track. It was complete mud, but, oh, so much fun to slip and slide and race.
Just some proof that I was camping also. It was tent camping, and I didn't remember how hard it was to sleep on the ground! But I will do it again next year.
I got to go on Sydney's first Kindergarten field trip. And we had a great time at the pumpkin farm. So many fun things to do. Of course, Sydney can never pass up a petting zoo trip!
My little horse rider - had a ride on a tire horse. Yee haw!
Sydney and her little buddy, Patrick, picking out just the perfect pumpkin at the farm.